FUN Stuff | Illustration

Header Bar Icons_FUN.png

This is a handful of work done with Friends United Network (FUN) for various clients including Urban Outfitters and The Salted Pig gastropub.

Most of these were rejected…

Give Peace A Piece | Digital | Urban Outfitters

Give Peace A Piece | Digital | Urban Outfitters


Jumping In | Digital | Illustrated for Urban Outfitters

Keep On Truckin’ | Copic Markers, Micron Pens, Digital | Illustrated for Urban Outfitters

The word that repeatedly comes to mind when I reflect on my time at FUN is eclectic. The music we played each day. The projects that were assigned. It was all eclectic.

The hot dog design above marked my Hollywood debut; it was worn by Billy in the 2017 Power Rangers film.


Working with Chris at FUN took my love of illustration in a direction I never thought would pay the bills.

A big part of what made the job so enjoyable was that we just tried stuff. My art director, Chris, would say stuff like, “Make it look like a gas station shirt” or he’d throw out a phrase like, “Give peace a piece.”


The Good Cop (Phantom variant) | Digital | Urban Outfitters

California T-Bone | Digital | The Salted Pig

Untitled | Digital | Urban Outfitters

“Pour”Favor | Micron pen, digital | Urban Outfitters

Wig Splittin’ | Micron Pens, Digital | Sam The Barber

Art Direction: Chris Nunez


Artwork and photography © 2021 Friends United Network